Category: Human Nature

  • Glossary of Terms

    This is an organized glossary of terms for the Metaphysics of Story. General Storytelling – The presentation characters (and societies) pursuing happiness within a given reality, especially as those pursuits form the basis of a conversation about morality and the pursuit of happiness.  Morality – The criteria we hold about what makes a person deserving of happiness. Happiness – The way we describe a desirable mix of personal sensations. …

  • How the Atonement Might Work : Part 1

    Traditionally, we look at the gospel and the principles through an almost mystic lens. This is how I used to look at the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well, but through my studies I have found that a vast majority of the principles of the gospel make sense on a fundamentally human level. There are…

  • The Two Great Commandments

    In the 22th Chapter of Matthew there is an interesting story where a lawyer of the Jewish law asked Jesus Christ a question. The lawyer, while partaking in a religious interrogation of Jesus, seemed to have good intent in asking the question he did. What did he ask? Master, which is the great commandment in the law?…

  • Desires – Your Vision for Happiness

    Question: If everyone wants to be happy, then why does everybody acts and behaves so differently? People are strange creatures. Somehow with the same genes and biology we can end up as heroes or villains, village idiots or Nobel prize winners, astronauts or burger flippers, and everything in between. From the same basic make up…