Category: Morality

  • Glossary of Terms

    This is an organized glossary of terms for the Metaphysics of Story. General Storytelling – The presentation characters (and societies) pursuing happiness within a given reality, especially as those pursuits form the basis of a conversation about morality and the pursuit of happiness.  Morality – The criteria we hold about what makes a person deserving of happiness. Happiness – The way we describe a desirable mix of personal sensations. …

  • How the Atonement Might Work : Part 1

    Traditionally, we look at the gospel and the principles through an almost mystic lens. This is how I used to look at the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well, but through my studies I have found that a vast majority of the principles of the gospel make sense on a fundamentally human level. There are…

  • The Two Great Commandments

    In the 22th Chapter of Matthew there is an interesting story where a lawyer of the Jewish law asked Jesus Christ a question. The lawyer, while partaking in a religious interrogation of Jesus, seemed to have good intent in asking the question he did. What did he ask? Master, which is the great commandment in the law?…